January 31, 2011

January 2011

Where did the month go? I am not done yet. I still have lots of plans for the month of January and it is ending today. Well, I have made some progress on the bits and pieces for this month.

I have finished my Koi Garden Shawlette. I have finished my swatch hat for my HPKCHC Herbology OWL. My proposal was reviewed but since I am doing the pattern myself, I had to add the design drawings to the proposal and now I am waiting on the decision. I am STILL working on Grms scarf. Not sure if I will have it done in a week. Here's hoping. I still have to write up my "homework" for Charms class. I am going to use the shawlette and some creative story to make it work for the scarf I just was not able to cast on this month. :(

Tomorrow (Well, 9 pm PST) Nerd Wars Starts!! Yeppy!! I am still deciding if I want to do a dissertation in that group (like an OWL). I have not decided just yet. I am thinking of something to do with spinning.

I have been spinning a little each day. A friend of mine sent me some COOL rovings from Australia. I wanted to be able to give her the choice of having some of the yarn that came out of it when she (possibly) visits later this year. :)

Well, I hope that January has treated you better reader and that you are caught up on what ever it is that you needed to finish this month.

January 25, 2011

Time is not on my side

I have been working diligently on projects this month, yet I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew.

My sister needed help getting moved into a place from mom's house. That was easy while the kids were in daycare. That was the biggest thing that has happened this month, yet the end is near and I have really nothing to show for an entire month.

Not knitting, not crocheting, not even programming.

My desk is cleared. The Christmas tree is in its box (too heavy for me to put away). I have planed and started BF's sweater. I have test knit a shawlette (still working on it). I have gotten the yarn to start another test knit, a cardi. I have done a gauge swatch for said cardi and started a sleeve, but had to rip back because I was not paying attention (use stitch markers next time). Starting sleeve again today.

Nerd Wars is starting in a few days on Ravelry. I have yet to even finish one project for HPKCHC (The House Cup). I was trying to think of a way to make the shawlette work for one of the classes. Not to mention that I have been "stalking" a first year and have yet to even work on that project. Its a beautiful lace scarf. Maybe I can come up with a story that will work the shawlette into the likes of the scarf. (But will cast on for said scarf later.)

Not to mention that mom had me order yarn and knit a scarf for my grandmother for her birthday, Feb 8!! That is not even any where near complete.

The test knit for the cardi is due March 1st. I can put that off for a few more days, but then will HAVE to start. I need to finish this scarf for grandma first, before I work on anything else, or at least before anything else is started.

So that leaves the current projects at:

Shawlette Due(Jan 31st)

Swatch for BF's Sweater & Proposal Due (Jan 31st)

Nerd Wars - Tournaments start Feb 1st!! (Will have a new project there)

HPKCHC - New Classes - Feb 1st (Will have a new project there)

Scarf for Grandma Due (Feb 7th)

Nerd Wars - New tournament - March 1st (Will have a new project there)

HPKCHC - New Classes - March 1st (Will have a new project there)

Cardi Due (March 1st)

BF's Sweater Due (March 31st)

Nerd Wars Dissertations Due (April 30th)

So... I am not sure how this is going to look soon. But I am working on things, lets just hope that life lets me keep track of February better than January.

Not to mention I have to do taxes as well... Yeppy.

January 6, 2011

2011 Resolutions

So, it is yet another new year and I am still doing the same things, well, mostly the same things. That means yet another list of un-meaningful resolutions. But hopefully since this is out in public, I can keep myself a little more motivated... We will see.


1. I am going to really put some time in on my spinning wheel this year. I paid for it, I should use it. Plus, my friend sent me some AMAZING roving from Australia!! The purple braids are beautiful. Then you go to the bags and OMG!! soft as melted butter. I rolled in them for a bit :) I am not sure what kind of fiber they are. But most definitely very beautiful and SOFT!! Got to make sure I spin these with some experience!! I would love to make something out of them, but just not sure what!! Needles to say, I need to return the favor. Road trip!!

2. I am going to knit from my stash. I have five, count them five, well, maybe 6 or 7, plastic bins full of yarn in the garage and there is still MORE in my house. I have been watching the show "Hoarders" on A&E. OMG!! I know that my house is not as bad as the people on the show, but I do feel that there is just way to much stuff that is just taking space in our house.

Little side note here: Our house has two adults that have lived there most of their lives, MIL and BF. So it is full of their stuff. Then we have a roommate that had a house before he moved in. He is really good about being only in his room, but I think that is not fair, he has lived here long enough that he should be apart of the house, if he wants. Then we add me. My stuff is the most visible and I really don't have that much, but it was the last stuff to add to the house so it is on top of everything. Or was anyways, now it is mostly in the garage and my office area.

3. I am going to make a GIANT effort to keep my house useable this year. We tend to start stacking things in corners and by the end of the month, we loose that area to STUFF!! Not any more.

4. Work on getting the garage into a useable area. I don't have to park the car in there. But it would be nice if I had the choice to. Or at least a good storage area. Organized and neat.

5. Work on programming for the MAC and iPad/iPhone/iPod. I don't have school anymore, so I should actually be doing something in the programming field.

6. Either get a programming job or work on our home based business. One or the other needs to start making money.

7. Live life, laugh often and love hard. Enough said.

8. Actually try to blog this year. See how it goes. I would like to actually have my thoughts out there in the world instead of just being in my house, in my head or going through other peoples ears.

9. I would actually like to make our house, our house. I know that is redundant, but if you knew me, you would understand. (See note above). I would actually like to have some nice things that belong to us and not BF's mom or sister or father or anyone else in the family. I would like to look around and see us, not "his mom's" house. It's not like his mom lives here every day, well at the moment, but not sure how long. She is here maybe 4 to 7 days out of an entire month. I think it is time to make a home or move.

There are other resolutions, but they are on a more personal level and I do not feel like sharing with the public on those.


I am knitting/crocheting projects for two groups. One is the Harry Potter Knitting/Crochet House Cup (Hufflepuff) and the other is Nerd Wars (Dumbledore's Army). I am deciding if I want to be captain in the Nerd Wars group. It would be different, but do I have the time? Really?


Yesterday was my 29th Birthday. I don't feel any different than when I was 21. Is that how it actually is supposed to feel? Am I really supposed to just go year by year and not really feel any different than the last 8? What am I going to accomplish this year to make it different? I need to feel a change and for the most part it started last year and is continuing. Where is my life going? Is there going to be kids or am I satisfied with having my Niece and Nephews?

These type of thoughts were going through my head as I tried to sleep last night and really couldn't. Why is my birthday so close to the new year, it sucks because one's mind is always looking for a way to change the next year, then bam, my birthday shows up and screws with my head, makes me start looking about my entire life instead of just one year. What the heck is up with that?

Closing Thoughts:

Well I believe this is a good start. Hopefully I will be writing most days. I really don't do much at the moment. But soon I hope that will change. I will defiantly start writing about my knitting, crocheting, spinning and hopefully the thoughts that run though my head. I DO NOT guarantee that I will not complain, I will, though, try keep it to a minimum and let you know before hand.

I would like to start writing my column again, but I just don't seem to have any ideas on what to do with it. I will look into that and see what I can come up with. Maybe it will just be a weekly blog thing that I can learn something new and let you, the reader, know about it. Well, that is if anyone reads this thing. It will at least keep my stash of notebooks down to a minimum.

Well, that is the end of this entry. I am going to work harder on keeping track of things. I just hope life doesn't get too busy.

Happy Knitting! or what nots. :)