March 13, 2013

March!! Its March!! Its the middle of March!!

Ok, I know February is short, but what the heck!! I totally did not see where it went. Not much happened obviously! So project wise...

Yep, progress, but no finished objects. I have had some issues. I have had to keep myself from casting on everything that comes to mind. I MUST finish these commissions!!

I made progress on the Cadence Socks. They are sitting at the toe decreases.
Cadence Socks at the toe decreases. ALMOST THERE...
I had to rip out the 36x36 mitts due to them being too small. Ready to get started again. They are going to be beautiful, but they were not going to fit. I have the same measurements as the person I am doing them for (or roughly anyway) and they were NOT going on my hands very nicely. Too stretched for color work mitts. So, going up an needle size should fix that issue.
36x36 Mitts FROGGED and ready to be started again!!
I started and frogged a Vodka Lemonade for myself out of some wool from Bindigo Mills in Australia. I liked this, but the fabric was just to stiff. I didn't think I would wear it much. It is not technically frogged, just in the pond to be, so I may still change my mind. But for now, I am not going to be working on it.
Vodka Lemonade - FROGGED
I started a Vodka Lemonade for my grandma in Wool of the Andes from Knit Picks in Oyster Heather. Really should get back to this. She is not expecting it any time soon. She is realisitic about how long a sweater takes, but should would like it before Fall this year. I think I can manage this.
Vodka Lemonade for Grandma :)
Started another commission piece, Melisandra Socks. I received a skein of STR in return for this. It is pretty. Not sure what I am going to make with it... Hitchhiker or something along those lines...
Melisandra Socks in Rainy Days & Wooly Dogs Strychnine - Gothsock in Multipass
I have been bitten by the Featherweight Cardigan!! I was able to purchase some Wollmeise Lacegarn in the Fritzi Frizzante color way. Its beautiful!! But this is what I have been working on instead of my commission knitting!! What is wrong with me? Ain't it pretty?? I NEED to put this down and work on the other stuff above, but I just can't. I swear I am trying. Maybe after I get to splitting of the sleeves I can put it down for a few and finish up the above projects... Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I am actually almost there, I am at 38 of 45 sts for the front pieces.
My Featherweight in Fritzi Frizzante Wollmeise Lacegarn. LOVE IT!!
I have also started a tunisian square blanket. I am trying to have enough squares at Christmas time to be able to put a blanket together and give away if I so choose. Or to have one for me and my SO.

So, there has been no cross-stitching and no spinning for February and March is not shaping up either. But I am starting to REALLY want to spin. I may do that this next week as I will be staying home one day to receive some packages.